If you are loading up to head to the park for the bulk waste and brush drop off, the bulk waste dumpsters (2 only for the entire project) were filled early today. We headed over about 10:30 to drop off some stuff we were disposing of and were told they were no longer accepting anything but brush. Really? 2 dumpsters for bulk waste for a development that has 2500+ homes? Perhaps some thought should be given to spending a few of those assessment dollars we accumulate each year to pay for more dumpsters for an event that is held semi-annually and benefits ALL property owners. After all the board spends assessment dollars frequently for social activities…seems like this is a quality of life and benefit to all owners activity that should be better supported.
Author: timberwoodparksa
Want to get rid of the brush and vegetation you have removed from your property in Timberwood Park? Just a quick reminder that the Timberwood Brush and Bulk Waste Drop-off is being held this Saturday, October 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in our park, The only driving gate into the park that will be open during this event is the Timberline gate to help streamline traffic. Double check your Spectrum e-mails for what items are acceptable and what are not. Be patient with the lines, there is always a good turnout for this event!
I know this is short notice, but a quick reminder that there is an association board meeting, the last one before the annual meeting, tonight, October 7, 2014 which begins at 6 pm (not the usual time) in our clubhouse at our park. Please attend and provide your feedback on projects, concerns, etc. for the board to have a more well rounded feel for what the property owners want done with their assessment dollars and in your neighborhood.
It is also National Night Out tonight and the reason that the board meeting is early…..to accommodate National Night Out functions in the neighborhood. Hopefully you are aware of where there are any get togethers with neighbors via your block captains and our Neighborhood Watch.
National Night Out is scheduled area wide for October 7 this year. Neighborhood activities and events for Timberwood Park will be on a block captain provided basis. Check with your block captain to see if anything has been planned for your area of the neighborhood. Perhaps something is planned at the clubhouse for those of you who do not have an event to attend. Check with the park offices to see if anything might be scheduled in the park. The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office usually tries to attend many of the events throughout the community which includes Timberwood but they are spread over a very wide area so you may or may not see them at your local event. From April through June of this year there were approximately 15 reported criminal activities in and around our area (Timberwood and surrounding neighborhoods) including ID theft, vandalism and vehicle theft. From the list I saw recently, it appears that most of the incidents were vehicle thefts. Be sure to keep your valuables out of sight and/or out of your vehicle and lock your car doors to help eliminate the risk of an easy theft.
If you are interested in running for a position on the Board of Directors in the upcoming election at this year’s Annual Meeting, please fill out a Board Member Candidate Profile form and submit it by Friday, October 24, 2014. No nominations will be taken from the floor at the annual meeting; therefore, anyone who is interested in running for a position must submit a form. Contact Spectrum for the board member candidate profile form and/or check previous e-mails which have included the form.
The next brush and bulk item drop-off is scheduled for October 25 in the park! Open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. volunteers will be on hand to help you with drop off of brush and those unwanted household items. Check your Spectrum e-mail for details about what is accepted and the park office should be able to help with your questions. If you want a good workout, join the volunteers in lending a hand at this widely appreciated event for property owners in Timberwood Park.
There are still a few concerts left in the 2014 series. Check your Spectrum e-mails for scheduled performances coming soon!
The correct date for the next Music in the Park is September 13th….thanks to those of you who helped me correct it!!!