Our annual meeting for the Timberwood Park Owners Association (TPOA) is about to take place. Meeting date is December 17, 2019 at 7:00 pm and located this year, due to the clubhouse build, at Piper Middle School. For those of you who don’t know where that is, it is off Borgfeld directly across from the Borgfeld Storage Units. The entrance to the school is actually the Kinder Ranch main entrance road there, not the delivery and truck entrance located a bit farther down.
If you didn’t get an opportunity to cast your vote during the on-line voting option which was provided, you can still vote for your favorite candidates! You can attend the annual meeting and vote in person or you can give one of your fellow property owner neighbors that you know are attending your vote to turn in that night. If you need help with filling out the form, let me know and I’ll be happy to assist. If you need someone to come by and pick up your ballot, please let me know as well and we’ll be sure to get it there for you. Send a message to me at cgriff2011@gmail.com.
Looking forward to seeing you at the annual meeting!
Looking forward to the election. Cindy and your associates votes have already bee cast on-line. I did that on the first day of voting on line. Thanks for all you have done for Timberwood Park!!!