Coming up this weekend, Saturday, February 22 from 9 am to 1 pm in our 30 acre park is our annual brush and debris drop off.  Hopefully a fall option will be reinstated since it was not available last year, but if it isn’t this is your time to clean up debris and brush from your property and drop it off for free as a property owner in Timberwood Park.  Also available is an opportunity to dispose of unwanted furniture, appliances, computers, tvs, etc. 

                                                         Acceptable Items

  • Appliances
  • Furniture
  • Extra bagged yard waste and other large items
  • Small amounts of remodeling debris as long as it is no longer than 4 feet in length, tied in bundles or in bags or trash cans


Unacceptable Items

  • Paint
  • Used oil
  • Antifreeze
  • Batteries
  • Household chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and all other hazardous materials and liquids
  • Tires

Take advantage of this great opportunity to dispose of unwanted items and brush and debris from your property!  Feel free to pass this message along to anyone you believe might be interested in Timberwood!


Copyright to all content belongs to author of Timberwood Speaks


With the new year, comes the initiation of the proposed 5 year plan the board adopted for our 30 acre park in Timberwood Park.  While it is a working document, the proposed document covers a great many new additions and improvements to our 30 acre park including the potential expenditure in the next couple of years of approximately $1 Million dollars to build a second, new clubhouse in our park.  The discussion at the annual meeting indicated the current/old clubhouse could be turned into a children’s center and/or fitness center and a new state of the art facility would be constructed.  The reference used at the annual meeting presentation by the board was that our park could look something like “The Dominion” with a state of the art facility in addition to the existing facility. 

Please be sure to read the plan which you can find posted on the web site under the “local news” tab and provide comment back to Spectrum and/or the board regarding your thoughts about the proposed plan.  To reach the board and Spectrum is  The plan details a great many projects to expand/upgrade the park. 

Now that we have access to all our assessment dollars available for property owner use, we have a large amount of funds to accomplish much of what is being planned. Part of the comment process should include whether you believe the upgrades and improvements are necessary, good stewardship and in the best interest of you as a property owner.  Whether you agree with the plan in its entirety or only parts of it, comment provides a view from the property owners perspective.

Is there enough money (reserve fund) being saved for emergency situations that may or may not be covered by insurance?  Does the average Timberwood Park property owner want the park to become potentially “over improved” or like “The Dominion”?  With improvements will come additional overhead and expense to operate same.  Have there been enough monies set aside for say a leak in the Olympic sized pool or the kiddie pool?  Would those expensive repairs be covered by insurance or would we need reserve funds for such expenses?

The board is indicating all the proposed amenities and improvements can be achieved without raising assessment fees, perhaps a better choice or a choice the property owners would like to see might be returning a small portion of the current assessment fees (a rebate or lowering of the annual assessment) as a gesture toward the fact we have more than enough money to operate the amenities we currently enjoy while adding a few of the suggested changes a little at a time.  It’s up to you.  It’s your money!  Providing no comment means the proposed plans move forward.  Please use your voice to provide feedback to the board regarding this important plan for the future of our park!

Next HOA meeting will be February 4, 2014 at 7 pm in the Timberwood Park Clubhouse.  Please plan to attend and give your input to the many projects planned and already underway in our park.

Everyone wants to get rid of the accumulated brush and debris on their properties.  Brush and bulk waste drop off will occur February 22, 2014 from 9 am to 1 pm at the park.  Mark your calendars and participate in this free event to Timberwood Park residents.

The US 281 Community Advisory Committee (CAC) met last summer with the final minutes being released recently.  Continuing work on that committee will be taking place this spring.  As the next meeting is scheduled and information becomes available I will get it out to you.  Information from the last meeting appears on the “local news” tab of the website.  The EIS process is nearly complete and choices will be finalized for the 281 expansion decision.  As soon as there is new detail is available, I will post it here!

The EIS can be viewed at 


Know someone who need assistance preparing their taxes this year?  This information is for you or someone you know needing assistance and is regardless of age or income!

One of our property owners is volunteering with AARP to provide free tax preparation service to the community at-large by assisting in the free preparation of tax returns for anyone (not just those 50 and over!)!  Free Income Tax Preparation and Electronic Filing will be available at the Bulverde/Spring Branch Library.  The AARP Tax-Aide Program serves over 2,000,000 taxpayers, nationwide, thanks to over 32,000 IRS Certified Volunteer Tax Counselors.


You do not have to be a member of AARP or a Senior to use this service.  However, preference given to those over 60.   There are no income limits.


Services are provided every Friday, starting February 7th, between 11AM and 3PM

and the second Saturday of each month, beginning February 8th, between 11AM and 3PM

until April 15th.




Call (830)885-2247 now for your appointment as available appointments go fast! 

Copyright to all content belongs to author of Timberwood Speaks


If you’d like to volunteer some of your time and talent as well as learn some new skills, the AARP Foundation (you do not have to be a member of AARP or retired to participate) is offering an opportunity to learn tax preparation and then provide assistance to members of our community who seek help filing their tax returns each ear.  If you aren’t available to help, perhaps you know a neighbor who might be able to do so.  Feel free to pass this post along to anyone else you think might be interested!

Please take a look at the announcement below for more details:


AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free, volunteer-run tax preparation and assistance service, is seeking volunteers in San Antonio to help taxpayers prepare and file their 2013 Federal tax returns.

Volunteers do not need to be an AARP member or retiree to participate.

After receiving free training, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers help taxpayers of all ages, learning new skills while giving back to their communities.

“In 2012, Texans who took advantage of the free tax service provided by the AARP Tax-Aide program received more than $35 million in common tax credits.  These, along with other deductions, resulted in just around $100 million in refunds, most of which finds its way back into the local Texas economies,” said Texas Western Regional Coordinator Ron Craig.

Last year, more than 1,700 Tax-Aide volunteers in 300 sites helped over 157,000 taxpayers in Texas.  They join over 35,000 Tax-Aide volunteers across the country, helping millions of taxpayers each year.

In San Antonio there are 13 AARP sites which provide FREE tax preparation.  They are open from February 1 through April 15.  Training for new volunteers is held six days in January and includes tax law, tax policy and computer application.  All returns are prepared online.

For more information on how you can join the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide team, contact Ed Orbock at or visit the Web site at


The December issue of the Timberwood Park Newsletter contained an article on page 5 about our drainage ditches.  Unfortunately, the article indicated that Bexar county maintains the many smaller drainage ditches between properties throughout Timberwood Park.  While note was made that TPOA maintains our two larger drainage ditches, the remainder of the article suggested property owners should contact Bexar county for maintenance on the many smaller ditches in our development which is incorrect.

The drainage ditches of Timberwood Park have never been maintained by Bexar county.  During turnover negotiations, this was one of the things that needed to be addressed prior to TPOA taking on the permanent management of Timberwood Park.  Bexar county clearly stated they had never been responsible for nor would they take over any future duties of maintaining any of our drainage ditches.

With regard to drainage areas in Timberwood Park, the county is only responsible for right-of-way areas which include: 1) our bar ditches typically located at the front of our properties and 2) the right-of-way area around any drainage ditches as they cross roadways in Timberwood Park.  For the bar ditches this means they mow and maintain them on an annual basis to ensure proper drainage.  Of course many property owners mow and maintain the bar ditches in front of their property in addition to what maintenance the county does.  Right-of-way is that space typically 18 feet from the middle of a roadway onto a property.  The county maintains only that right-of-way area.

Additionally, on a side note, the county also maintains all our roadways.

But when it comes to the drainage ditches between properties, those smaller ditches in particular referenced in the newsletter article, those are actually a part of the property you purchased in Timberwood Park if you have one running through your property.  If you check your survey, you will see that your property line runs to the middle of a given ditch.  Likewise the property owner across from you has the other half of the ditch.  While there is an easement for the ditches for maintenance, the county does not maintain any part of these ditches which rest on private property.  It is the property owners responsibility to maintain and keep clear these ditches to their property line.

It is important to keep these ditches free and clear of debris so that when we do have heavy rains, we won’t have unnecessary flooding caused by careless deposits of brush and debris blocking the drainage path.

On A Separate Note:  Regarding the Proposed 5 year plan for the 30 acre park, (which is posted on the web page under “Local News”) I neglected to pass along two things:  1) a land survey is being planned by the board to assist in how best to utilize the space in the park for the proposed improvements the board is recommending.  No cost was disclosed for this survey at the annual meeting, and  2) if you want your voice heard regarding what you see as value added versus something you might not believe is a good use of your assessment dollars, please be sure to send your comments and suggestions to the board for the 5 year plan via and/or attend the next meeting scheduled for February, 2014.

Your comments are welcome.  Click on the “comments” button located at the bottom of this article to provide your comments.

Please feel free to share this article with your neighbors and pass it along to any property owner you think might be interested in it.  Property owners are welcome to subscribe to this blog by clicking on the “subscribe” button located at the bottom of this article or by visiting and subscribing through the blog on the web page entitled Timberwood Speaks.  Just provide your e-mail address where the subscribe option is offered as you scroll down the blog entries.  No information is shared.

Copyright to all content belongs to author of Timberwood Speaks


The 2013 annual meeting for the TPOA was held this evening (December 3, 2013) at our clubhouse.  There was a quorum present with proxy’s turned in prior to the meeting and members in attendance which numbered approximately 60 people.  

Of the candidates running for office the following were elected to fill the 4 slots that are open for the coming year:

Marty Bartlett
Karen O’Neill
Doug Eberle
Craig Zenner

Marty Bartlett commented he did not intend to remain President but rather a board member going forward and that elections would be held among the board members to determine the new president for the coming year.

Approximately 250 total property owner votes were cast.

There was a meal prepared for those in attendance with a chef behind the kitchen counter preparing custom orders of some of the meal components.  Beer and wine were made available as well as an assortment of soft drinks and other beverages.

Our Fire Commissioner, John Kirk, was in attendance and provided a brief comment about an upcoming opportunity for the new Chief of the Bulverde Station to attend the next HOA meeting scheduled for February, 2014 as an option to provide new communication with the neighborhood.  He thanked the all volunteer fire department for the great job they do covering 47 square miles in our area.

Property owner comments included:

A comment was made about the drainage ditches and flooding.  Property owners asked that neighbors not place their brush and debris in the drainage ditches causing flooding problems for those downstream when heavy rains occur in the neighborhood.

A comment was made, while not citing anything specifically related to this board, about the board needing to be cautious in whether it is overreaching its authority when it comes to the management of the development.  A reminder was provided that we all legally live by our deed restrictions and nothing further can be enforced even if property owners would like to see that happen in some instances.  A reminder was made to remember the history of the development and how it was originally constructed and developed.  Further, a comment to remember what is actually legally enforceable under our deed restrictions was made.

A comment was made regarding the board using it’s power through our management company, in the newsletter, etc. to lobby the neighborhood with regards to a recent election item….specifically the Comal ISD School Bond.  The comment included the fact that it was felt inappropriate for the board to take a specific stance on political/electoral matters and rather that it was important to focus on the neighborhood business in lieu of political matters of any type whether a bond election, political election, etc.

There were thanks for the job the board has done thus far since turnover to revitalize Timberwood Park.

The board discussed improving the newsletter and appointing one of the board members to steer that process to provide more information and articles.  Any article suggestions a property owner might have should be forwarded to for consideration and inclusion in upcoming issues.

There was a treasurer’s report with our financial status brought up to date.

A 5-year plan was provided via a power point slide show which included projects which have been planned and scheduled as well as what the future may hold.  The presentation included a look at what could potentially be the future of our 30-acre park.  A copy of the entire plan can be found at by clicking on “local news” and then clicking on the TPOA 5 year plan document located at the top of the page.

A suggestion to provide property owners with this plan via an e-blast was brought by a property owner in attendance.

Questions or comments, feel free to send me a message!

Take care and enjoy your Christmas and holiday season!


Copyright to all content belongs to author of Timberwood Speaks