Ok. I know that’s corny, but it’s truly how I feel today!  Here’s a quick update on what’s happening in and around Timberwood Park:


MUSIC IN THE PARK:   I am sure you have all seen the Music In the Park notices and the next concert is this Saturday, September 13th starting at 6:00 p.m.  Understand at last notice published that it will be held regardless of weather at this time.  Performers are Jef with One “F” opening at 6 p.m. and Brent Michael Wood at 7:30 p.m.

HIGHWAY 281 INFO YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN:  As I am sure you know, the Alamo Regional Mobility Authority is planning an expansion of 281.

Please click here for more information:  http://www.bexar.org/526/281-North-Improvement-Project .
HOA BOARD POSITIONS AVAILABLE:  If you are interested in running for a position on the Board of Directors of the neighborhood association you will need to fill out a Board Member Candidate Profile form and submit it by Friday, October 24, 2014. No nominees will be taken from the floor at the annual meeting so if you are interested you must submit a form.  If you have questions please send your inquiry to contact@spectrumam.com.
GENERAL NOTES JUST IN CASE YOU WANTED TO KNOW:  If any of you have GVTC you may have been experiencing problems with e-mail, websites, etc. this past week.  From what I understand there was a problem with spam e-mail hitting some of the accounts (mine was one of them and that was a fun experience) and that they now have the problem corrected.  My experience included receiving a HUGE number of spam e-mails, undeliverable e-mails and not being able to retrieve my own e-mails.  Happy to see the problem has been corrected and appreciate the effort GVTC made in the customer support area.

I was driving home from an event Wednesday night and knowing how dark our neighborhood is at night, I drive very slowly when traversing the streets of Timberwood.  Near my home I had occasion to run into a flashlight being shined directly into my vehicle and into my eyes.  Startled, I stopped the car, honked the horn  and when I could see again, there in front of me was a golden retriever who, if I had not stopped, I would have hit.  It (the dog) was not leashed and the flashlight was from the bicyclist I could not see in the dark riding with it.  I urge you to be very careful on our streets at night.  We have enough obstacles without property owner who think it is a good idea to ride a bike at night and take their dog for a walk without a leash!


Enjoy your evening.  Looks like we are going to get some rain!




Recent reports have been received regarding soliciting for work in the neighborhood. Even of more concern, in some cases the individuals soliciting are asking for payment before they do the work and then not completing the work. If you are approached by someone seeking to do work around your property or home without having contacted the individual asking, please be sure to contact the sheriff’s department non-emergency number 210-335-6000 to provide a report since soliciting is not allowed in Timberwood Park.

Next, I recently received a call from a property owner who was visiting the park and near the tennis courts. His concern was that there were kids skateboarding on the newly completed tennis courts which we all paid for with our annual assessment dollars. This even though there are signs posted apparently stating “No skateboarding” according to the caller. While I am not on the board and I am not sure how he got my number, he nonetheless contacted me. He was concerned that damage was occurring to the tennis courts which in turn would cost us as property owners to repair. Maybe he was not able to reach a board member or Spectrum or perhaps he didn’t know about their existence. It’s unfortunate that there isn’t better access to the board, Spectrum and/or our on-site property managers in the park so that property owners can voice a concern in a timely manner.

And finally, a request from a potential performer interested in performing for Music in the Park was received. Again, this individual doesn’t seem to have contact information for the board or Spectrum to be able to investigate whether this might be something that would work for the neighborhood and/or the performer. It would seem like a great idea to open up the opportunities to any performer who might fit the performance venue and/or our neighborhood. One of the results of lack of access to be able to reach someone to book a potential concert is lack of variety of performances available for the concerts. Case in point, the repeat performances this summer of the same artists several times.

I was informed that the board had no working knowledge of the existence of this web page when they contacted me through their attorney to “cease and desist” all references to the board and Spectrum on this web page. At least one board member subscribes to the neighborhood (Timberwood Park) Facebook page and has for some time now. Links to this website are posted regularly on the Facebook page as well thus indicating that there has definitely been knowledge that this website existed for some time now. One of the main reasons for setting up this website was in service to the neighborhood and to provide easy access for property owners to find information they might be looking for and cannot easily access all in one place. That will still be this website/blog’s goal in the future along with updates on information in and around the neighborhood.

Hope your summer was productive and you enjoyed a delightful vacation somewhere. Heading into fall and hopefully a break from the constant heat, I am optimistic that 2014 will continue to bring good things.

Take care and keep in touch!


A quick note to remind you all that Music In the Park is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, August 15, 2014 in the park beginning at 6:45 p.m. with opening act Brent Michael Wood followed by Kory and Dana Band.  Enjoy your neighbors and music under the stars in our park!

And as a side note, I will continue to post future articles and information when I have things to share with you all as I have in the past.  Thanks for sticking with me and for your notes and comments of support!


Sadly, I need to let you all know that I received notice from the association today to “cease and desist” any and all references to the association and/or our management company on the www.timberwoodparksa.org website.  This project was put in place as a community service, free of charge and solely for the benefit of the property owners of Timberwood Park.  It is unfortunate that  a community service which has been running for several years now and is provided at no cost to the neighborhood on any level, is deemed a problem for the operation of the association or the management company (just my opinion of course).  Then there’s also the consideration of freedom of speech.  I am considering my options for the future.  I will let you know how I decide to proceed and give you options if you wish to continue along with me.  Thanks for subscribing and keeping in touch!



This Friday, Music in the Park comes to our park with opening act Brent Michael Wood taking the stage at 6 pm followed by Dave Fenley and Kree Harrison taking the stage.  Both Fenley and Harrison appeared on American Idol so this will no doubt be a big concert for the neighborhood.  If you plan to attend, I suggest you get there early.  While we have had a policy of these concerts and social events being private, not public, and for the property owners of Timberwood Park, I would guess that word of mouth and publicity for this event will probably bring many attendees outside Timberwood Park to it.  That being the case, I am not sure that anyone would be denied access to the park that evening.  Hope you are able to enjoy the concert and visit with your neighbors!!