Timberwood Park HOA Board Candidate Forum – Ask your questions to the Candidates!

We all know that a less than 5 minute conversation at a neighborhood meeting will probably not give most neighbors all the details they would like to know about potential candidates for the HOA board and our upcoming annual election. So, in the interest of providing an opportunity for ALL candidates to respond directly to neighborhood property owner questions, let’s try opening up a forum for discussion of topics of interest to property owners!

Here are some ideas for questions but please feel free to ask any question you have directly to a specific candidate and hear their answer directly back to you! Hopefully this blog will be re-posted to the various other sites that have been previously re-posting as a means to open dialogue for all candidates with property owners.

Please be sure to post the name of the candidate you are asking along with your question if you are asking a specific candidate for information otherwise it will be assumed that each and/or all candidates may answer your questions. Post your question either on FacebookTimberwoodGroup (the group says it’s closed but that’s because you must join to take part in discussion.  So if you haven’t joined just click join and you will be added as a Timberwood Park resident) or if you don’t Facebook send your questions through a comment back to this blog post TimberwoodBlog , and the candidates will be able to see the questions to answer you directly! Of course if this is going to work, it assumes that each candidate will provide direct contact in some form to themselves to you for your question and answer discussion, via Facebook response, direct e-mail or by blog comment back to a question.

  1. As a candidate for the board what is your position about how improvements made to our common areas should be prioritized? And what do you believe is important as your goal/focus on the board on behalf of the community?
  1. As a candidate for the board what is your position about the need to set aside reserves (savings separate of operating or expanding capital) for regular maintenance and repair of already existing amenities and improvements?
  1. As a candidate for the board what is your position on building a new $1M clubhouse?
  1. If you are in favor of the new clubhouse, why do you believe it is needed?
  1. If you are undecided about the new clubhouse build, how do you see the potential process moving forward to determine whether or not it should be built?
  1. If a new clubhouse is warranted, what steps would you take as a board member to move forward with the project?
  1. As a community of approximately 2600 homes (pop approximately 13,000) what other improvements do you believe Timberwood Park will need in the next 5 years?
  1. How would you prioritize these improvements, including the clubhouse?
  1. Do you believe the clubhouse project if warranted should it be financed or should monies be saved in order for the project to be completed without a debt obligation?
  2. Why do you believe you would be an asset to the board?

You have other questions? Ask them to every candidate or one candidate here and let’s work on getting a personal answer from the individual whom you are asking the question!