On-going discussions and research among a group of property owners who are interested in improving and/or correcting certain issues and concerns it believes exist regarding the business operation of our neighborhood HOA have resulted in a recent meeting being held between the HOA board and a member of the group who originally sought an audit of our HOA books.

This meeting was professional and productive and it resulted in open discussion between both parties. Additional details, yet to be confirmed by both parties, were provided on both sides and there was a give and take by both sides regarding concerns and how to potentially work toward improving business operations in Timberwood Park. There are still open issues to discuss.

The most recent previous blog posted facts which included actual 1099 figures for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 for dollar amounts paid by TPOA to Spectrum Property Management for their management services those years. The blog further posted that actual 1099 figures did not match categories provided by Spectrum as being the only two sources of income from our HOA financials for which the 1099 is created for Spectrum. Those two categories were management fees and administrative fees. At the meeting, further detail was to be forthcoming regarding the 1099s and will be evaluated.

Discussion between the TPOA board and the group is ongoing. As the discussion continues, the results will continue to be published appropriately. Until additional facts are fully distributed and explained neither side of the discussion has the entire picture, we just have the facts provided thus far. It doesn’t matter whether you support Spectrum, the board, the group, your own perspective, or some combination of the above, respectful conversation is valuable to bring everyone together at the end of the day. Each property owner is important to the process and your productive comments help facilitate further discussion as both sides continue to resolve the issues.

There will be further blog posts providing additional details coming soon. Thanks as always for reading the blog!