Starting the end of last week property owners began receiving via e-mail and/or regular mail the paperwork for the vote on the proposed clubhouse as well as the absentee and/or proxy ballot for the annual HOA board election. Both issues are very important to Timberwood Property Owners.

Please give serious consideration whether you believe the vote regarding the proposed clubhouse should be for or against. Given the lack of detail, plans, firm budget, design information and so much more that has not been provided thus far as well as the lack of existing funds to pay for this major project in our operating accounts it seems ill prepared for a vote at this time. This is an extremely large decision and if financed as the proposal outlines without much in specifics, property owners are borrowing money which should not be necessary to borrow via our HOA. If due diligence, proper fiscal management and planning had been done for the last 5 years that this current HOA board has been at the helm there could easily have been a large percentage of the funds saved for this large-scale project to be undertaken without financing obligations.

There are instructions about how to return your ballot and for this vote included with the packet you received in the mail. A proxy ballot cannot be used for the clubhouse issue. Please be sure to follow the instructions and return it by the deadline which is November 15, 2016.


Property owners also received proxy/absentee ballots via e-mail and/or regular mail. This ballot is separate from the clubhouse vote. For this ballot, you can provide your ballot to another property owner allowing him or her to vote on your behalf by proxy should you wish to do so. Or, you have the option to turn in an absentee ballot by December 1, 2016. Please be sure to read all the ballot options to ensure you get the option you are wishing to participate with. If your neighbor is taking your proxy to the meeting, please be sure that he or she is attending the annual meeting. Otherwise, your vote will be wasted.

Questions? Feel free to comment back to admin@timberwoodparksa.org !