Sadly, I need to let you all know that I received notice from the association today to “cease and desist” any and all references to the association and/or our management company on the www.timberwoodparksa.org website.  This project was put in place as a community service, free of charge and solely for the benefit of the property owners of Timberwood Park.  It is unfortunate that  a community service which has been running for several years now and is provided at no cost to the neighborhood on any level, is deemed a problem for the operation of the association or the management company (just my opinion of course).  Then there’s also the consideration of freedom of speech.  I am considering my options for the future.  I will let you know how I decide to proceed and give you options if you wish to continue along with me.  Thanks for subscribing and keeping in touch!


3 thoughts to “A NOTE TO MY READERS”

  1. This is unfortunate as we have enjoyed your updates. So much for freedom of speech!
    Yes, let us know what our options will be. Keep in touch!

  2. Howdy;

    Always look forward to your comments on TWP. Don’t understand what they don’t understand about freedom of speech.
    Perhaps you are getting to close to the truth.

    Wonder if they are Obama inspired???

    Keep up the good work.

    Ron Manning

  3. One might think that this violates your right to Freedom of Speech.
    But these days the Constitution doesn’t seem to matter any more to many.
    Perhaps some people just have too much time on their hands.
    Or perhaps those in office know you are telling the truth and simply don’t like it
    and think you can be silenced in this manner.
    Time will tell which it is.

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